
Thursday 13 June 2013

Raw Chocolate Banana Caramel Tiramisu Bars

Since I have come back from Costa Rica I have been hooked on their amazing coffee!! I find my self a little disappointed every time I go out for a coffee with a friend here in Canada now haha ( Although Im sure you can get good costa rican coffee here I just have not found it yet). This recipe was inspired by a recipe over at . Her blog is amazing! I HIGHLY recommend you to take a look and be inspired yourself if you have not already :) Don't forget there are lots of substitutions you can make for any recipe if you cant find something or don't have it on hand. Don't be afraid to give it a shot, 9 times out of 10 it will taste awesome if its made with real whole food ingredients ;)

The centre layer of the desert before adding the tiramisu topping :)

The finished product, YUM!

INGREDIENTS: (makes 12 bars)

- 1 cup walnuts
- 1 cup almond flour
- 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
- 2 TBS cacao powder
- 10 soft dates
- Pinch of salt


- 10 soaked dates
- 2 TBS maple syrup 
- 5 drops stevia
- TBS macadamia butter ( you can use other types like sunflower or almond too)
- TSP vanilla extract
- 1 TBS coconut oil
- 1 TSP ( add 1 TSB to start of water and more as needed to get caramel constancy)

- 2 Bananas sliced for on top of caramel sauce


- 1 cup raw soaked cashews
- 1 cup coconut water (from young coconut)
- 1/2 cup ( all of the young coconut meat)
- 1 vanilla bean pod
- 1 TSP coffee extract ( I used  the nescafe kind)
- 2 TBS melted coconut oil
- 2 TBS raw honey


- Line a baking dish with tin foil
- In a food processor process all the base layer ingredients, soak the dates first to soften them and then chop with a knife before adding into the food processor. Pulse until the mixture starts to form into a ball.
- Press mixture into the bottom of the tray making it equal all around.
- In a blender combine all the central layer ingredients leave the banana out for layering)  , blend until smooth and has the texture of caramel, add water slowly if it is to thick.
- Spread the caramel mixture over top of the base, then layer on the bananas ( just like in the picture above)
- Clean out the blender, then add in all the topping ingredients, blending untill smooth ( you can add less or more honey depending on your desired sweetness). If you like you can also try piping the topping onto the desert for added decoration :)
- Place in the freezer for a short time and allow to harden. Remove and cut bars then store in fridge ( they will last about 4 - 5 days) Enjoy!

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